Welcome to the laboratory


Howdy! Here's some quick information about me that you might find helpful (not really) and interesting (maybe).

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NameTurner Davis
Age30 yrs
Current Steps21,141
Favorite RestaurantCandente (HTX)
Favorite ChipsTJ's Patio Chips (RIP)
Current EmployerKarsun Solutions
TitleLead Full Stack Developer
Language of ChoiceEnglish, JS/TS
Years of Experience9
Available for work?Yes

Whereabouts un(known)

I've lived all over this fair country, but these days I hang my hat in Charlotte, NC. On almost any given weekday, you'll find me behind my desk at home or getting Murphy her much needed steps. But on the weekends, I'm either out exploring the world or tackling the next project.Geolocation
WhereaboutsCharlotte, NC
If you want to check out everywhere I've lived, continue to:Where y'at?